Commodified Self as a new type of personal identity



self, commodification, self-presentation, individualism, hyperconsumption, post-postmodernism


The article studies the main features of commodified self in the contemporary hyperconsumer and post-postmodernist society. Nowadays consumerist attitudes have transformed the personal identity (self-conception) into commodity. To be a commodity for consumption, the contemporary social actors try to advertise themselves, using such self-presentation strategies, as ingratiation and self-promotion. In the hyperconsumer society, self-presentation is changing because individuals present themselves as high-quality products that give benefit and immediate hedonistic pleasure to consumers. As a result, a private self (inner, authentic self) is emptied out and becomes elusive whereas a public self (one’s social images) is emphasized. The commodification of human self is coupled with contradictory individualism, for a person independently constructs his self as commodity but depends on the recognition of his commodified self. Moreover, social media on the Internet and compact digital devices also contribute to the commodification of self. The commodified postpostmodern self is not the same as postmodern “death of the subject”. The commodified self is always a self-reflexive self with certain depth, because it finally operates with relatively stable self-definitions. Since human self is inseparable from the body and relationships, the commodification of self creates unity with the implicit commodification of human body and commodification of human relationships.

Author Biography

Petro Denysko, Poltava National Technical Yurii Kondratiuk University

candidate of sciences in philosophy, associate professor at the Department of Phi lo sophy, Social and Political Studies


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How to Cite

Denysko, P. (2018). Commodified Self as a new type of personal identity. Filosofska Dumka, (4), 81–97. Retrieved from



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