Revival of political philosophy in the 20th century




political philosophy, political religion, discourse philosophy, functional-system theory


The article considers the issues of modern German political philosophy in accordance with its formation, institutionalization and development. Germany’s political philosophy is analyzed in terms of its interaction with social and practical philosophy. The text states that political philoso- phy belongs to both social philosophy and political science. As a political theory, it is a compo- nent of social theories institutionalized in the modern era. As a political philosophy, it appears as a metatheory of political theory. Political philosophy is also part of practical philosophy, exploring the problems of interaction between ethics and politics and the moral reclamation of the political system of modern society. These issues are themed in the context of the institution- alization of this discipline in the early twentieth century, its transformation into a political reli- gion during National Socialism, the revival after World War II, as well as actualization in such areas of socio-humanitarian sciences as discourse philosophy, functional-system theory of so- ciety, etc. according to the political situation of modern Germany.

Author Biography

Anatolii Yermolenko

Doctor of Sciences in Philosophy,

Professor, Corresponding Member of the NAS of Ukraine,

Director of the H.S. Skovoroda Institute of Philosophy, NAS of Ukraine


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How to Cite

Yermolenko, A. (2020). GERMAN POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY: MORAL AND ETHICAL ASPECT: Revival of political philosophy in the 20th century. Filosofska Dumka, (3), 6–16.






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