
  • Volodymyr Yermolenko




Lesia Ukrainka, Don Juan, Tirso de Molina, Molière, Mozart, Hoffmann, Grabbe, epochs, romanticism, post-romanticism, Nietzsche, freedom, power, authoritarianism, totalitarianism, eropolitics, Ukrainian culture


The article is focused on Lesia Ukrainka’s famous drama The Stone Master (Kaminnyi Hos- podar), her remake of the Don Juan legend. The author of the article, Ukrainian philosopher Volodymyr Yermolenko, localizes Lesia’s masterpiece in a broader European tradition of the leg- end. He compares The Stone Master with the previous version of the Don Juan legend, by Tirso de Molina (The Trickster of Seville), Moli re (Dom Juan), Mozart (Don Giovanni), Hoffmann (Don Juan), Grabbe (Faust and Don Juan) and others. He analyzes Lesia’s originality within this tradition. He also reads The Stone Master in the context of the dialogue between different epochs: the Baroque, Classicism, Rococo / Enlightenment, Romanticism, Post-Romanticism. Each of the epochs develops its specific version of Don Juan legend, according to Yermolenko, which re- flects a specific concept of human being and human relations developed at each particular period. While the “Baroque” Don Juan of Tirso de Molina marks the crisis of the culture of honor, the “Classicist” Don Juan of Moli re shows the development of a culture of knowledge and general concepts, and the “Romantic” Don Juan of Byron and Hoffmann is a symptorm of a new 19th century culture of will and transformation. In this respect, it is important to look at Lesia Ukrain- ka’s text as a battleground of “Romantic” will to freedom and “Post-Romantic” (or fin de sicle) will to power. In this context, Yermolenko reads The Stone Master (written in 1912) as a criticism of the fashionable topic of “will to power”, and as a political warning, with Lesia Ukrainka show- ing the upcoming horrors of the 20th century’s authoritarianism and totalitarianism. With the help of the concept of eropolitics, the author shows how, through the erotic topic, Lesia Ukrainka passed a major political message to her epoch — and ours as well.

Author Biography

Volodymyr Yermolenko

PhD in philosophy (Ukraine), docteur en études politiques (France), senior lecturer at literatury studies department at National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, 04070, Kyiv, 2, vul. Skovobordy


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Abstract views: 412



How to Cite

Yermolenko, V. . (2021). LESIA UKRAINKA, DON JUAN AND EUROPE: IDEOLOGY AND EROPOLITICS IN THE STONE MASTER . Filosofska Dumka, (2), 49–79. https://doi.org/10.15407/fd2021.02.049






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