CONTINUATION OF THE TOPIC The philosophy of Hryhorii Skovoroda: History and modernity




Skovoroda, syncretism, universalism, wholeness, cordocentrism, rational philosophy, Enlightenment


The article defends the thesis that Skovoroda is a representative of syncretic culture and thinking, which combines philosophy, religion (faith), poetry (literature), theology into an unity. His universality, as a talented and comprehensively developed personality, also lies in this combining different sphere of a human activity. To combine all this, Skovoroda must be the bearer of syncretic thinking and perception of the world. But, such combination includes also philosophy and, therefore, subordinates it to spirituality. Skovoroda is a sage, who imparts wisdom and sets an example of a morally clean life and strong faith.

         The works of Skovoroda should be viewed from the standpoint of syncretism. He did not create a new philosophy for Ukrainian culture, as did, for example, Socrates for Ancient Greek culture, Descartes for French culture, and Kant for German culture. To consider Skovoroda only a philosopher means to reduce him to a «highly specialized mental worker». It is necessary to read Skovoroda's works universally and syncretically, not philosophically (analytically and critically).

         The article examines also the weak and strong aspects of the syncretic creativity of Skovoroda for Ukrainian culture in general and Ukrainian philosophy in particular. In Skovoroda's works, there is no analysis and criticism of philosophical problems, there is no consistent rational-logical (step-by-step) construction of a philosophical conception, which he would defend with arguments. Instead, we find in Skovoroda's works many biblical quotations and their interpretation, that is, he uses the Bible to confirm his position and way of life. The authority of the Bible for Skovoroda is indisputable, so it is a source of wisdom for him.

         The author argues that Skovoroda is «internally new» for Ukrainian culture. He brings into Ukrainian culture Christianity, which differs from the traditional church, biblical symbolic hermeneutics and vegetarianism as a way of life. Skovoroda's life represents a life of integrated personality.

Author Biography


Doctor of Sciences in Philosophy, Associate Professor, Head of the Chair of Philosophy, Lviv Polytechnic National University, 5, Mytropolyt Andrei St., Lviv, 79016.


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How to Cite

KARIVETS, I. (2023). HRYHORII SKOVORODA: SYNCRETISM-CORDOCENTRISM-WISDOM: CONTINUATION OF THE TOPIC The philosophy of Hryhorii Skovoroda: History and modernity. Filosofska Dumka, (2), 144–152.






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