Philosophy and philosophical education



philosophy, philosophical education, dialectical reason, unconditioned beginning


In this essay the author underlines the difference between philosophy and philosophical education. Recent debates on the problems of philosophical education have shown that they had not answered the main question: what is philosophy? The author stresses that philosophy is the understanding of unconditioned beginning; it is not the searching of such a beginning, but only the understanding. We see that philosophy is substituted for philosophical education. Such substitution is the death of philosophy, because philosophy became very specialized science, divided into many philosophical disciplines. Specialization and division of philosophy make it un-useful, second rated science, because it has lost its own subject: an unconditioned beginning. How can we revive philosophy? The author is sure that the revival of philosophy is possible outside the institutions that give philosophical education, through reading the works of philosophers, who created ontologies, and translating them into Ukrainian, through opening the ideas which will orient us to the being and will help us to think about it.

Author Biography

Ihor Karivets, Lviv Polytechnic National University

PhD in philosophy


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Петрушенко В.Л. Філософія: Навчальний посібник: В 2-х ч. — Львів: Новий Світ-2000, 2011. — 647 с.

Платон. Держава / Пер. з давньогр. Д.Коваль. — К.: Основи, 2000. — 355 с.

Deleuze G., Guattari F. Qu’est-ce que la philosophie? — Paris: Les Éditions Minuit, 2005. — 206 p.


Abstract views: 267



How to Cite

Karivets, I. (2017). Philosophy and philosophical education. Filosofska Dumka, (6), 77–81. Retrieved from



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