Global bioethics in european context





global bioethics, bioethical principles, biomedical ethics, respect for human dignity, European bioethics, European ethos


The article analyses the foundations and principles of global bioethics in the European ethical, legal and philosophical contexts. An analysis of European bioethics shows that there are at least three modern models of European bioethics: bioethics as metaethics; bioethics as biolaw; bioethics as applied biomedical ethics. European bioethics originates in the global bioethics of V.R. Potter and F. Jahr, and encompasses not only moral issues of medicine and public health, but also global environmental and social problems. In this context, the convergence of the natural and the human is seen as a rehabilitation of practical philosophy, a further study and development of the principles of practical reason, understood by analogy with the objective laws of nature. The study of constitutions, legislative and legal regulations of European countries has revealed a variety of bioethical principles in the field of biomedicine. However, at the level of legislation in biomedicine, there is a certain influence of the American model of bioethics, biomedical ethics, which is manifested in the principlism methodology and the weak connection between medical and environmental issues. Global bioethics in the European context is characterized by an intensification of bioethical reflection, social relationships and legislative activity in biomedicine within pan-European structures, such as the European Council and the European Union. The defining feature of global bioethics as a phenomenon of European culture and ethos is that its principles can be “activated” only as a semantic and logical integrity. Bioethical principles serve as a kind of harmonising factor of European biopolitics.

Author Biographies


Doctor of Sciences in Philosophy, Professor at the Fundamental Disciplines and Informatics Department, Shupyk National Healthcare University of Ukraine, 3, Oleksandra Dovzhenka St., Kyiv, 03057

Liudmyla PALIEI

PhD student at the H.S. Skovoroda Institute of Philosophy, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; Senior Lecturer at the Department of Language Training and Humanities, Shupyk National Healthcare University of Ukraine, 3, Oleksandra Dovzhenka St., Kyiv, 03057


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How to Cite

PUSTOVIT, S., & PALIEI, L. (2024). Global bioethics in european context : LABORATORY OF MODERN HUMANITIES. Filosofska Dumka, (2), 117–136.



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