


Chyzhevsky, history of Ukrainian philosophy, reviews, criticism, Marxist criticism


  1. Chyzhevsky’s work Essays on the History of Philosophy in Ukraine has become a fundamental study of the history of Ukrainian philosophy since its publication in 1931. But even earlier, Chyzhevsky wrote the work Philosophy in Ukraine. An Attempt at Historiography (1926), its first part had a second edition (1929) and contained some additions and clarifications. Chyzhevsky’s reaction to the reviews of the first edition of his Philosophy in Ukraine included in the second edition of this work is interesting and worthy of attention. In it, he responds to the comments and objections made by the reviewers of the first edition of the work (by Y. Kolubovsky, V. Zaikyn, I. Mirchuk, S. Hessen). This reaction has a twofold nature. On the one hand, Chyzhevsky admits that some points in his work require correction, in particular, the assessment of the role of Protestantism in the development of Ukrainian philosophical thought, the need for a more detailed consideration of the worldview of such thinkers as Gogol, Kostomarov, Shevchenko. On the other hand, Chyzhevsky, clarifying his position, continues to defend his principles, according to which he includes certain authors in the “canon” of Ukrainian philosophy. At the same time, he still admits that some authors should be included in this “canon” (... Spir). Chyzhevsky also responds to the Marxist review of P. Hanin (P. Demchuk), but does not stop at her meaningful remarks. However, some of these remarks are not unfounded, as they relate to Chyzhevsky’s evaluative judgments expressed about Skovoroda and philosophy in Kharkiv after Schad. A more careful analysis and comparison of the two editions of Philosophy in Ukraine (1926, 1929) and Essays on the History of Philosophy in Ukraine in the cases of Skovoroda, Schad, and Jakob proves that Chyzhevsky changed his initial, sometimes harsh, evaluative judgments to neutral ones. There is no reason to definitely assert that such changes occurred under the direct influence of reviews. However, there are reasons to affirm that many innovations and reassessments in Essays correlate with the remarks formulated in the reviews. In contrast to Western European favorable reviews of Essays (S. Hessen, G. Frolovsky, V. Zaikyn, D. Doroshenko, N. Lossky), the reaction of Soviet philosophy turned out to be unscientific and ideologically engaged (Y. Bilyk, V. Yurynets).

Author Biography


PhD, Senior Research Fellow, Department of the History of Ukrainian Philosophy, H. Skovoroda Institute of Philosophy, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 4, Triokhsviatytelska St., Kyiv, 02000


Chyzhevsky, D. (1924). Logic. Synopsis of lectures delivered at the Higher Pedagogical Institute named after M. Drahomanov in Prague in the summer semester of 1924. [In Ukrainian]. Prague: Siyach.

Chyzhevsky, D. (1926). Philosophy in Ukraine. An attempt at historiography. [In Ukrainian]. Prague: Siyach.

Chyzhevsky, D. (1928/29). Philosophy in Ukraine. An attempt at historiography. The second edition corrected and supplemented. Ch. I. [In Ukrainian]. Prague: Siyach.

Chyzhevsky, D. (1931). Essays on the istory of philosophy in Ukraine. [In Ukrainian]. Prague: Ukrainian Public Publishing Fund.]

Čyževskyj, D. (1927). Die abendländische Philosophie in der alten Ukraine. Abhandlungen des Ukrainischen Wissenschaftlichen Institutes in Berlin (Bd. I, SS. 71-89). Berlin und Leipzig: Walter de Gruyter & Co.

Čyževśkyj, D. (1929). Renaissance und das ukrainische Geistesleben. Abhandlungen des Ukrainischen Wissenschaftlichen Institutes in Berlin (Bd. II, SS. 52-55). Berlin, Leipzig: Walter de Gruyter & Co.

Tschižewskij, D. (Freiburg i. Br.). (1931). Bericht über die russische und ukrainische Literatur zur Geschichte der Philosophie in den Jahren 1929 und 1930. In: Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie (Bd. 40, H. 2, SS. 329-350). S.l.

Chyzhevsky, D. (1947). Ukrainian philosophy. [In Ukrainian]. In: Ukrainian culture. Course of lectures edited by D. Antonovych (pp. 128-146). Regensburg: Ukrainian Technical and Economic Institute.

Chyzhevsky, D. (2005). Essays on the history of philosophy in Ukraine. [In Ukrainian]. In: Philosophical works in 4 volumes. Under the general editorship of Vasyl Lisovyi (vol. 1, pp. 2-162). Kyiv: Smoloskip.

Reviews of the first edition of "Philosophy in Ukraine"

Mirtschuk, J. (1928). Dm. Čyževskyj: Filozofija na Ukrajini. Sproba istoriografiji. (Die Philosophic in der Ukraine. Ein Versuch der Historiographie). Prag 1926. 4°, 184 S. Jahrbücher für Kultur und Geschichte der Slaven (Neue Folge), 4(1), 82-83.

V.Z. [Vyacheslav Zaikyn]. (1928). Ukrainian philosophy. [In Ukrainian]. Postup: Visnyk Literatury i Zhyttia, 8(3-4), 121-127.

Kolubovsky, Ya. (1928). To the question about philosophy in Ukraine. [In Ukrainian]. In: Notes of the Nizhyn Institute of Public Education and the Research Department of the History of Culture and Language at the Institute (book VIII, pp. 3-11). Nizhyn: "Nove Selo".

Hessen, S. (1929). D. Tschižewskij. Filosofia na Ukraine. Sproba istoriografii. (Die Philosophie in der Ukraine. Versuch einer Historiographie), Verlag "Sijatsch", Prag, 1926, 198 S. Der russische Gedanke (I. Jahrgang, Heft I, SS. 105-106). Bonn: Cohen.

Hessen, S. (1929). Dm. Chyzhevsky: Philosophy in Ukraine. An attempt at the historiography of question. Ed. "Siyach", Prague, 1926. P. 198. [In Russian]. In: Sovremennyie Zapiski (vol. XXXVIII, pp. 544-546). Paris.

Hanyn, P. (1929). White emigrant Ukrainian philosophy. [In Ukrainian]. Voyovnychyi Materialist (vol. I, pp. 111-132). Kharkiv: State Publishing House of Ukraine.

Reviews of the second edition of "Philosophy in Ukraine"

Florovsky, H. (1929). Dm. Chizhevsky. Philosophy in Ukraine. An attempt at historiography. - Prague, 1926, p. 200; 2 ed. - part I, Prague, 1928; p. 142. [In Russian]. Put' (Paris), 19, 118-119.

Mirčuk, J. (1929). Dm. Čyževśkyj: Filozofija na Ukrajini. Sproba istoriografiji. (Die Philosophie in der Ukraine. Der Versuch einer Historiographie.) 2. Auflage. I. Teil. S. 142. Prag 1929. Abhandlungen des Ukrainischen Wissenschaftlichen Institutes in Berlin (Bd. II, SS. 191-192). Berlin, Leipzig: Walter de Gruyter & Co.

Reviews of "Essays"

Hessen, S. (1931). Čyževs'kyj D.: Narysy z istorii filosofii na Ukraini. Prag, 1931. Ukr. Hrom. Vydavn. Fond (Skizzen zur Geschichte der Philosophie in der Ukraine. Gr.-8ᵒ,175 S. und Abb). Slavische Rundschau, III(8), 590-591.

Florovsky, H. (1931). Dmytro Chyzhevsky. Essays on the history of philosophy in Ukraine. - Prague, 1931; 8ᵒ, 175. [In Ukrainian]. Put' (Paris), 30, 93-94.

Zaikyn, V. (1931a). Prof. Dmytro Chyzhevsky. Essays on the history of philosophy in Ukraine (With the participation of L. Mykolayenko). [In Ukrainian]. Dzvony, 4-5, 318-322.

K.Kh. (1931). Dmytro Chyzhevskyi, prof. Ukrainian Pedagogical Institute in Prague, associate professor Ukrainian University in Prague. "Essays on the history of philosophy in Ukraine". Ukrainian Public Publishing Fund. Prague, 1930 [!]. [In Ukrainian]. Tryzub, 7(14, April 5), 29.

mh (1931). Die Philosophie in der Ukraine. (Dmytro Čyževs'kyj: Narysy z istorii filosofii na Ukraini. Praha 1931. Ukrains'kyj hromans'ky vydavnyčyj fond. Großoktav. 175 S. u. Abb). Prager Presse, 29. Mai, 8.

Dorošenko D. (1932). D. Čyževśkyj. Narysy z istoriji filosofiji na Ukrajini (Skizzen zur Geschichte der Philosophie in der Ukraine). Prag 1931. 176 S. Zeitschrift für osteuropäische Geschichte, VII(2), 280-283.

Lossky, N. (1932). D. Tschižewskij: Grundlinien einer Geschichte der ukrainischen Philosophie ("Narysy iz istoriji filosofiji na Ukrajini"), Prag, 1931. 176 S. Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie, 41(3), 317-320.

Lossky N. (1932). D. Chyzhevsky. "Essays on the history of philosophy in Ukraine". Ukrainian Public Publishing Fund. Prague, 1931, 175 p. [In Russian]. Sovremennyie Zapiski (Paris), XLVIII, 488-490.

Skitsky, D. (1932). A new work on philosophy in Ukraine (Dm. Chyzhevskyi: Essays on the history of philosophy in Ukraine. Prague 1931. Printed by Ukr. Hrom. Vyd. Fund, 175 p. 8ᵒ. Price $1.20). [In Ukrainian]. Dilo (Lviv), February 18, 2.

Bilyk, Ya. (1932). The philosophy of Ukrainian fascism. About the work of Dm. Chyzhevsky: "Essays on the history of philosophy in Ukraine". [In Ukrainian]. Prapor Marksyzmu-Leninizmu, 5-6, 195-208.

Doroshenko, D. (1933). "Philosophy in Ukraine". Prof. Dmytro Chyzhevsky: Essays on the history of philosophy in Ukraine. Ukrainian Public Publishing Fund Prague, 1931. p. 176. [In Ukrainian]. Khliborobs'kyi Shliakh (Lviv), 1(January 1), 5-6.

Other references

Mirchuk, I. (1949). History of Ukrainian philosophy. [In Ukrainian]. In: Encyclopedia of Ukrainian Studies. In two volumes / Under the chief editorship of Prof. Dr. V. Kubiyovych, Prof. Dr. Z. Kuzelya (vol. 2, pp. 718-724).. Munich, New York: NTSh.

Portnov, A. (2004). Vyacheslav Zaikyn: a historian with many faces. [In Ukrainian]. In: Collection of the Kharkiv Historical and Philological Society (New series) (vol. 10, pp. 89-112).. Kharkiv.

Shpet, G. (1989). An outline of the development of Russian philosophy. [In Russian]. In: G. Shpet, Works (pp. 11-342). Moscow: Pravda.

Valyavko, I. (2013). Dmytro Ivanovych Chyzhevsky: biographical sketch. [In Ukrainian]. In: Dmytro Ivanovych Chyzhevsky and his contemporaries. Letters, memories / Compilers: I. Valyavko, O. Chudnov, V. Yantsen (pp. 23-135). Kirovohrad: Imex-LTD. P. 23-135.

Yurynets, V. (1932). Ukrainian Philosophical Front. [In Ukrainian]. Prapor Marksyzmu-Leninizmu, 5-6, 181-194.

Zaikyn, V. (1931b). Systematization of the history of Ukrainian philosophy. [In Ukrainian]. Bohosloviia (Lviv), IX(1-4), 235-256, 357-373.

Zelenogorsky, F.A. (1908). Dudrovych Andrey Ivanovich. [In Russian]. In: Faculty of History and Philology of Kharkiv University for the first 100 years of its existence (1805-1905) / Edited by M.G. Khalanskyi, D.I. Bagalei (cс. 31-34). Kharkiv: Darre.


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