The difficulties produced through terminology translation in philosophy: violence of linguistics, manically syndrome of precision, freedom ecstasy in subjective hermeneutics and its cultural and historical bounds


  • Maria Kultaeva H.S. Skovoroda National Pedagogical University


philosophical terminology, methodology, translation, German language, linguistic claim, compound nouns, relation, genitive case, compatibility, intercultural communication


The article regards some difficulties accompanying hermeneutical export from German philosophical tradition into Ukrainian cultural space. The concepts life world and co-world as a shared one (Lebenswelt und Mitwelt) are analyzed as well as the possibilities of their translation into Ukrainian as related word compounds used in languages with a developed case system. The linguistic obligation makes bounds for translation through the grammatical and lexicological rules of the original text and their compatibilities with the language of translations. The consensual base which is necessary for the coexisting of the original version and its translations is constituted by methodology of the general linguistics that opens the perspective for the intercultural communication in philosophy.

Author Biography

Maria Kultaeva, H.S. Skovoroda National Pedagogical University

doctor of science in philosophy, professor, chair holder of philosophy


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Abstract views: 308



How to Cite

Kultaeva, M. (2017). The difficulties produced through terminology translation in philosophy: violence of linguistics, manically syndrome of precision, freedom ecstasy in subjective hermeneutics and its cultural and historical bounds. Filosofska Dumka, (5), 94–98. Retrieved from



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