The history of Ukrainian philosophy in the 20th century: finding the subject or finding the discipline?


  • Serhii Yosypenko Skovoroda’s Institute of Philosophy, the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine


philosophical discipline, the history of national philosophy, the history of philosophical culture, the object and potential of philosophical research


The article deals with the evolution of the history of Ukrainian philosophy as an academic discipline from the perspective of its establishers’ precept, the precept about the object of national philosophy. The author considers that the determined search for the object led to methodological solutions which stimulated and directed the development of the discipline in the 20th century and which are shaping the prospect of its development today, when the problem of the history of the Ukrainian philosophy object turned into the problem of the research methodology of philosophical phenomena discovered during its existence. According to the author, applying of the Methodology of Historism is the condition for real philosophical investigation into these phenomena within the national culture.

Author Biography

Serhii Yosypenko, Skovoroda’s Institute of Philosophy, the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Doctor of sciences in philosophy, head of the Department of the History of Ukrainian Philosophy


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How to Cite

Yosypenko, S. (2017). The history of Ukrainian philosophy in the 20th century: finding the subject or finding the discipline?. Filosofska Dumka, (1), 26–36. Retrieved from



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