The “public turn” and philosophy in the public space



public turn, turn to public, public philosophy, public humanities, public intellectuals, public space, public discourse, institutionalization of academic disciplines


The paper starts a series of articles which are aimed to discover different dimensions of existance of philosophy in the public space. Author analyses the Public turn which occurs in social and human sciences in the early 2000s and analyses its prerequisites and consequences. The typical process of institutionalization of “public” forms of social sciences and humanities and as well as features of this process in the field of philosophy is depicted. The brief digest of existing research and a scope of popular interpretations of public philosophy are presented. Finally, author proposes a draft of an action program which may be implemented to develop this type of philosophical activity in Ukraine.

Author Biography

Ilami Yasna, H.S. Skovoroda Institute of Philosophy, NAS of Ukraine

master or religion studies, PhD student. Academic interests: social senses and sensecreating, cultural and social semantics, practical and applied philosophy


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How to Cite

Yasna, I. (2017). The “public turn” and philosophy in the public space. Filosofska Dumka, (1), 28–41. Retrieved from






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