Revolution thesauri as a method of studying their sense dimension



semantics of event, semantics of social conflicts, semantic dimensions of social conflict, semantic wars, semantic confrontation, thesaurus of social conflict, dictionary of revolution, cultural semantics, social semantics, linguistic theory of conflict


The article continues the series of research, which aims to determine specific features of contemporary social conflicts and to develop relevant research methodology. Author proposes an object for such research (semantic dimension of conflicts) and a subject (semantic space as an area of semantic confrontation) and proposes to apply methods of cultural semantics to investigate it. Besides, creating thesauruses of social conflicts may be useful, while we understand thesaurus as a linguistic form of existence of cultural senses. Also, the author gives a brief review of 70 thesauruses of 11 social conflicts (including contemporary Ukrainian conflict) which have been published since early 1900s.

Author Biography

Ilami Yasna, H.S. Skovoroda Institute of Philosophy, NAS of Ukraine

master or religion studies, PhD student. Academic interests: social senses and sensecreating, cultural and social semantics, contemporary social conflicts


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How to Cite

Yasna, I. (2017). Revolution thesauri as a method of studying their sense dimension. Filosofska Dumka, (2), 57–72. Retrieved from






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