Department of Social Philosophy: in the trend of modern society research

Main research areas and departments of the Institute



The Department of Social Philosophy of the Institute of Philosophy was organized on 1992. Employees of the department study current issues of social philosophy in accordance with the leading trends of modern world social science, in particular the value-normative factors of substantiation of social theories and regulation of social relations. In addition to studying the methodological foundations and paradigmatic changes in social theories, scientists of the department work on practical philosophy, social ethics, philosophy of law, translate and prepare for publication the works of foreign representatives of modern social and practical philosophies.

The department continues active cooperation with foreign research institutions and organizations – the Free University of Berlin; Hans Jonas Center (Germany); Karl-Otto Apel International Philosophical Center (Cosenza, Italy); European Humanities University (Vilnius), School of Conflict Analysis and Resolution at George Mason University (Arlington, USA) and et al..

The research fellows of the department actively cooperate with publishing houses and such academic journals, as "Philosophical Thought", "Practical Philosophy", "Multiversum", "Sententiae", "Ukrainian Humanitarian Review", "Science and Society", "Totallogy", "Journal of Ukrainian Studies" (Canada) and others. Besides, the members of the department are frequent visitors to TV shows and other public events.

Author Biographies

Anatoliy Yermolenko

Doctor of Sciences in Philosophy, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Director of the H.S. Skovoroda Institute of Philosophy, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 01601, Kyiv, Triokhsviatytelska St., 4

Vitaliy Nechiporenko

candidate of Sciences in Philosophical, Senior Research Fellow at the Department of Social Philosophy


Abstract views: 453



How to Cite

Yermolenko, A., & Nechiporenko, V. (2021). Department of Social Philosophy: in the trend of modern society research: Main research areas and departments of the Institute . Filosofska Dumka, (4), 56–61. Retrieved from






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