Philosophy of Vasyl Lisovyi in the context of current philosophic studies


  • Anatoliy Yermolenko H.S. Skovoroda Institute of Philosophy (National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine)


Vasyl Lisovyi, Kant, Wittgenstein, practical philosophy, national identity, Universal values, dialogue of cultures


The essay is devoted to Vasyl Lisovyi — an outstanding figure in the present Ukrainian culture and philosophy. Being an adherent of Kant’s science of mind and sensitive to paradigm changes V. Lisovyi has evolved from ”early” to “late” Wittgenstein and joined “rehabilitation of practical philosophy” as the discourse practice. His work over a manual Principles of Modern Philosophy was directed to representation of paradigm changes and main tendencies of the world philosophical thought. Being a prominent enlightener Lisovyi worked over the projects of new works by Dmytro Chyzhevskyi and anthologies Political Ideologies, a collection of Ukrainian translations of leading representatives of socio-political thought. As to the problems of national identities and universal values, Lisovyi was the adherent of a dialogue of persons, citizens, countries, peoples and cultures and criticized the applying of “Eurasian” measures to Ukrainian culture, defended a necessity to “inscribe” himself in the context of Mediterranean-European cultural tradition. His creative work and life are an example of thinking and action, value orientation of development of the present philosophic thought, formation of political culture and civil society as the political nation in Ukraine

Author Biography

Anatoliy Yermolenko, H.S. Skovoroda Institute of Philosophy (National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine)

doсtor of sciences in philosophy, professor, deputy director, Head of the Department of Social Philosophy


Lisovyi, V.S. (1997). Kultura — ideolohia — polityka [Culture — ideology — policy]. Vydavnytstvo imeni Oleny Telihy, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Lisovyi, V. (2014). Spohady. Poezii [Recollections. Poetry]. Smoloskyp, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Lisovyi, V. (2007). U bahatoholossi politychnykh dyskussii: Statti ta intervyu [In polyphony of political discussions: Articles and interview], Vydavnychyi dim “Kyievo-Mohylyanska aka -de mia”, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Konservatizm: Antolohia [Conservatism: Anthology] (1998). Compilers: O. Protsenko, V. Lisovyi. Smoloskyp, Kyiv Ukraine.

Böhler, D. (1988). Die deutsche Zerstöhrung des politisch-ethischen Universalismus. Über die Gefahr des — heute (post-) modernen — Relativismus und Dezisionismus. In: Zerstöhrung des moralischen Selbstbewustseins: Schance oder Gefärdung? Praktische Philosophie in Deutschland nach dem Nationalsozialismus. Hrsg. von Forum für Philosophie, Bad Homburg. Frank furt am Main: Suhrkamp.


Abstract views: 481



How to Cite

Yermolenko, A. (2017). Philosophy of Vasyl Lisovyi in the context of current philosophic studies. Filosofska Dumka, (6), 87–98. Retrieved from



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