THE SCHOOL OF THINKING, NOBILITY OF PHILOSOPHICAL SPIRIT AND CIVIL COURAGE (to the 75-th anniversary of H.S. Skovoroda Institute of Philosophy, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine)





Institute of Philosophy, Skovorodian tradition, thinking, world-view, culture, philosophy, freedom, scientific community, education, responsibility


The article emphasizes the cultural and educational importance of H. Skovoroda Institute of Philosophy for the spiritual development of the Ukrainian society, especially in the direction of democracy and establishment of the worldview culture as a requirement for the culture of freedom. From the position of the included observer the author of the article describes some episodes of relationship in the scientist’s communities which can be defined as justice and solidary community. On the basis of the Heidegerian scheme, some dangers are analyzed as demands addressed to philosophical thinking. This scheme is used by structuring of the article. The metaphoric of these dangers indicates the contextual problems which are important for producing of philosophical ideas. The experience of the Institute of Philosophy gained by solving of problems is very remarkable for the fulfillment of philosophical studies and educational practices especially by mentoring of the postgraduate students. The fact of naming the Institute after H. Skovoroda is regarded as a symbolic act with a great creative potential and energy which can be used for reviving of national traditions of philosophical thinking. The role of lyric in activating of philo- sophical ideas is showed. The symbiotic coexisting of the poetry, art, journalism and philosophy is one of the original features of the Skovorodian tradition caring by the well-known representa- tives of the Institute.

All these characteristics joined with the civic culture, which was demonstrated by all gener- ations of the Institute, allow defining it as a metaphysical place with the ability both to follow on the road of the way of light and to represent it on the landscapes of philosophical science and education. The history of the Institute, especially, in the period of its post-totalitarian transforma- tions, gives the opportunity of taking comparison with the Institute for Social Research Frankfurt. The civic courage of the Ukrainian intellectual elites was always initiated, supported and generated by philosophers gathering in Institute of Philosophy.

Author Biography


Doctor of Science in Philosophy, Professor, Corresponding member of the NAPU, Head of the Department of Philosophy, H.S. Skovoroda National Pedagogical University, 29, Alchevski St., Kharkiv, 61002 


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Abstract views: 254



How to Cite

KULTAIEVA, M. (2022). THE SCHOOL OF THINKING, NOBILITY OF PHILOSOPHICAL SPIRIT AND CIVIL COURAGE (to the 75-th anniversary of H.S. Skovoroda Institute of Philosophy, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine): Return to the topic: H.S. SKOVORODA INSTITUTE OF PHILOSOPHY — 75TH ANNIVERSARY. Filosofska Dumka, (1), 134–143.



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