

K.-O. Apel, the art of living, discourse ethics, philosophy of language, everyday life, war, experience, reeducation, intersubjectivity, coresponsibility


The article proposes an attempt to reconstruct some fragments of the intellectual biography of K.-O, Apel on remembrance materials on of his near communicative circle and author’s narra- tive interviews with K.-O. Apel and his wife. The connection of Apel’s philosophical ideas and life events is reflected implicit also in his “Kyiv lectures” (1999). This empirical material is using to show influence of Apel’s life experience on the development direction of his basic philosoph- ical ideas, especially of discourse ethics. The practices of the self-control, self-observing and self-description belong to Apel’s livelong self-education. His worldview position was founded on the synthesis of Protestantism ethical principles and Catholic aesthetic in their secular transformation, what was cultivating in his life projects. The principle of the responsibility ethics is con- cretizing by Apel in distinction of self-responsibility and co-responsibility what was maintaining in his life-world. Convincing and persuading were his pedagogical instruments using both on his own children and students in educational practices. Apel’s war experiences are very important as learning in extremely conditions. They might be considered also as the important contribution to his turning to discourse ethics. Apel’s being as a prisoner of the war with following practices of reeducation and denazification are regarded also in the perspective of the discourse ethics. The democratically version of this practices has given an impulse for Apel’s turning to American language philosophy and its critically reception. Apel’s following descriptions of the German moral disaster with its roots and searching for ways to prevail upon this situations have aimed to unveil the hidden resources of the post-conventional morality and to prove the possibility of the post-conventional patriotism as the consensus oriented strategy of the contemporary world politics founding on humanism and co-responsibility for future of mankind.

Author Biography


Doctor of Science in Philosophy, Professor, Corresponding member of the NAPU, Head of the Department of Philosophy, H.S. Skovoroda National Pedagogical University, 29, Alchevski St., Kharkiv, 61002


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Abstract views: 206



How to Cite

KULTAIEVA, M. . (2022). KARL-OTTO APEL: THE ART OF LIVING IN THE MODUS OF THE DISCOURSE ETHICS . Filosofska Dumka, (2), 52–65. Retrieved from https://dumka.philosophy.ua/index.php/fd/article/view/597






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