The enlightenment: Kant's formula and modern narratives (second and third enlightenment)




Immanuel Kant, Enlightenment, practical philosophy, reason, human


This text is published as a sign of respect to the outstanding Ukrainian philosopher and world-class scientist Mariia Kultaieva, whose life was cut short under the terrible shelling of Kharkiv which deprived us of the invaluable opportunity to hear her speech at the international conference "Kant's Philosophy and the Challenges of Modernity".

In modern socio-cultural and political contexts, the relevance of the Enlightenment ideology, enriched by the philosophy and methodology of Immanuel Kant, is increasing. The great philosopher noted the importance of distinguishing between illusions and real perspectives, thanks to which the philosopher made a great contribution to the formation of modern secular society, emphasizing the role of reason and printed literature. Kantian philosophy became the pinnacle and at the same time a revision of the Enlightenment, ridding it of illusions, and his concepts and formulation of categorical imperatives still play an important role in the development of modern society. An assessment of Kant and his ideas in the context of the digital age opens up new possibilities for understanding his contribution to modern philosophy. The evolution of Enlightenment ideas in Kant’s philosophy shows him as a prominent "architect of the Enlightenment", defining the main trends of the development of Enlightenment ideas and revealing the pathologies of the Modern world that may arise in their implementation.

Author Biography


Corresponding Member of the NAPS of Ukraine, Doctor of Science in Philosophy, Professor, Head of the Department of Philosophy, H.S. Skovoroda National Pedagogical University, 2, Alchevski St., Kharkiv, 61002.


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How to Cite

KULTAIEVA, M. (2024). The enlightenment: Kant’s formula and modern narratives (second and third enlightenment): Speeches . Filosofska Dumka, (2), 100–104. Retrieved from






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