The goods of civilization


  • Andrii Bogachov Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv


good, metaphysics, civilization, humanism, modernity


The author contrasts the old (metaphysical) and modern differentiations of goods, defines the criteria of true goods. The metaphysical goods differentiation is egocentric; all goods are divided into elementary and artificial, material and spiritual. The modern differentiation also specifies the goods of civilization. These goods ensure life together without cruelty. They differ from material goods and spiritual goods. They are about truly human communication, which carries our intellectual (truth), moral (justice), expressive (art) continuation into other people’s lives. The more people adopted the goods of civilization (freedom, equality, human dignity), the more these goods are valid goods. The imperative of humanism: everyone should help to each person to adopt these goods. Civilization in the normative sense is integrity of culture and rational social system, ethical teleology and universal morality.

Author Biography

Andrii Bogachov, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

Doctor of Sciences in Philosophy, associate professor of the Philosophy Department


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Abstract views: 297



How to Cite

Bogachov, A. (2017). The goods of civilization. Filosofska Dumka, (1), 43–50. Retrieved from



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