Discourse in the architectonics of language pragmatics


  • Anatoliy Yermolenko H.S. Skovoroda Institute of Philosophy (National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine)


communication, deliberative democracy, discourse, institutions, legitimation, principle of morality, norms, pragmatic


The article deals with studying public discourse as an integrative factor and important element in the evolution of institutions of deliberative democracy (also known as “consultative democracy”, “discussion democracy”, “discourse democracy”) in today’s society. The author presents both wide interpretation of the concept of “discourse” as speech practices, and a more narrow understanding of the discourse as communication, in which problematic claims for meaning and relevance become subject of discussion. Discourse is analyzed as socially reflective form of clarification of problematic senses of society. It is argued in the article that only those political practices, norms and institutions are legitimate that have been based upon the discourse principle. Social content of the discourse reveals itself in the institutionalization of the public discourse, which becomes a regulative principle and social meta-institution of critical check of consensus, reached through arguments, in different fields of society. As a regulative idea, the discourse presupposes an equal participation of all people (including the next generations) in the process of justification of social, legal and moral norms. It also presupposes an unhindered (without coercion) agreement about the legitimacy of these norms. Therefore, the discourse principle is a moral principle. The author also discloses a contradictory nature of development of discoursive practices and public sphere in Ukraine. He shows that in this country communicative action aimed to achieve mutual understanding is often substituted with a strategic action aimed to attain particularistic goals that creates a non-transparent quasi-reality of false communication, hidden perlocutives and simulative democracy. At the same time, the article shows that in today’s Ukrainian society, especially after the Revolution of Dignity, despite distortions and deformations, genuine public sphere develops itself, and discoursive and argumentative practices find their ways in the social development.

Author Biography

Anatoliy Yermolenko, H.S. Skovoroda Institute of Philosophy (National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine)

doсtor of sciences (philosophy), professor, deputy director, head of the Department of Social Philosophy


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How to Cite

Yermolenko, A. (2017). Discourse in the architectonics of language pragmatics. Filosofska Dumka, (4), 69–86. Retrieved from https://dumka.philosophy.ua/index.php/fd/article/view/30



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