The revival of political philosophy in France in the second half of the 20th century

Revival of political philosophy in the 20th century




political philosophy, national traditions in philosophy, French philosophy, Marxism, intellectual history


The article identifies elements of national experience that became the preconditions for such revival, as well as determined the originality of French political philosophy. Based on the publi- cations of V. Descombes, G. Labelle, D. Tanguay, M. Foessel, . Jourdain, the author distin- guishes between French political philosophy in the narrow sense, which is represented by C. Castoriadis, C. Lefort, P. Rosanvallon, M. Gauchet, P. Manent, Ph. Raynaud (paying special atten- tion to the Ukrainian translations of their works), and the articulation of political questions in terms of philosophical theory by well-known representatives of French theory. The reasons that hindered the development of political philosophy in France were the dominance of the positiv- ist paradigm in the social sciences and Marxism in the French intellectual milieu. The impulsion for the revival of political philosophy in France was the crisis of Marxism and preparations for the celebration of the 200th anniversary of the French Revolution of 1789. The distinguishing features of French political philosophy, according to the author, are the study of political problems in the context of intellectual, social, cultural history and ethnology, as well as through the prism of the works of classical French authors. The author also pays attention to the special role of R. Aron in the revival of French political philosophy.

Author Biography

Serhii Yosypenko

Doctor of Sciences in Philosophy, Deputy Director, Head of the Department of History of Philosophy in Ukraine, H.S. Skovoroda Institute of Philosophy, NAS of Ukraine


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How to Cite

Yosypenko, S. (2020). The revival of political philosophy in France in the second half of the 20th century: Revival of political philosophy in the 20th century. Filosofska Dumka, (3), 17–28.






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