


dialogue, Socratic drame, elenctics, truth and verity


The article is about the poetic-practical philosophy of dialog of Lesia Ukrainka, which is mani- fested in the dramatic creativity of the prominent poetess, her translation activity and the con- cept of “person-nature relations”.

In the text it is shown that Lesia Ukrainka created a new genre of contemporary drama on the basis of application of “Socratic dialog”, which started an important direction in contempo- rary literature and coincides with a leading trend of world philosophy associated with the paradigmatic turning point from the philosophy of subjectivity to the philosophy of inter-subjectivity. The kinship of the Socratic philosophy of dialog and “Socratic drama” is also referred to. The author also showed that the meaning of Socratic dialog of Lesia Ukrainka in the resolution of the main problems of world outlook of modernity and the role of argumentation, in particular, the method of elenctics, the realization of such notions as “truth” and “verity”, which is particularly impor- tant the modern day situation of “posttruth” and “post-morality”.

Against the background of the global environmental crisis, it is important to look at the way how Lesya Ukrainka suggests treating nature as a subject and partner in dialogue. This paradigm continues and deepens the Romantic concept of nature as a partner in a conversation and co-creator of the liber mundi ("the book of the world"). It also opens the opportunity to apply hermeneutical methods of understanding nature as a common world (Mitwelt) of communication, love and creativity. The article also analyzes the topic of dialogue between cultures, as well as perception and understanding of another culture as a subject in a dialogue. We can see this focus in Lesya Ukrainka's approach to translation of poetic texts produced by cultures from distant places and epochs.

Author Biography

Anatoliy Yermolenko

Doctor of Sciences in Philosophy, Professor, Corresponding Member of NAS of Ukraine, Honored scientist of Ukraine, Director of H.S. Skovoroda Institute of Philosophy, NAS of Ukraine, 4, Triokhsviatytelska St., Kyiv, 01001


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