Democracy and Civic Space: Normative Models and Ukrainian Discourse




Democracy, Civic space, Deliberative democracy, Civil society, Ukraine


The article, authored by Ukrainian and Polish social researchers, analyses normative approaches towards understanding models of democracy and their relation to civic space. Despite the existence of multiple models of democracy, they can largely be reduced to two main forms: direct and representative democracy. Deliberative democracy is posited as a third form, which, according to some scientists, combines elements of representative, direct, and participatory democracy. The analysis is based on the assessment of democracy and civic space in Ukraine, utilising data from six applied international social studies, as well as the evaluation of the modern characteristics of some components of Ukrainian civic space. According to the rating of CIVICUS Monitor, Ukraine has been classified in the category of countries where the civic space is “obstructed” from 2019 to the present time (Autumn 2023). Currently, the advancement of civic space in Ukraine towards more favourable forms of freedom of association, peaceful assembly, and expression of opinion in the country are threatened by several factors simultaneously. The article also uses the results of the authors’ previous and current academic research, as well as the results of twenty years of advocacy and analytical work as public experts in Ukraine and Europe.

Author Biographies


Ukraine, PhD, Senior  Research  Fellow, H.S. Skovoroda Institute of Philosophy, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 4, Triokhsviatytelska St., Kyiv, 01001.


Poland, PhD, Assistant Professor, SWPS University & European University Institute, Warsaw (Poland).


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How to Cite

LAZORENKO, O., & KWIATKOWSKA, A. (2023). Democracy and Civic Space: Normative Models and Ukrainian Discourse. Filosofska Dumka, (4), 71–102.






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