The concept of immortality and the transformation of the idea of enlightenment: I. Kant and J. M. E. McTaggart



I. Kant, J. E. McTaggart, immortality, Enlightenment, constellation, mind


The article examines the constellation of the interpretation of the concept of immortality in the corpora of ideas of I. Kant and J. E. McTaggart in conjunction with modern trends in the transformation of the idea of Enlightenment. The correctness of the applications of the constellation method in relation to the work of I. Kant and J. E. McTaggart is substantiated. The traditional idea of the work of the English philosopher as meaningfully belonging to the Hegelian tradition is problematized, and the formal nature of this affiliation is indicated. The possibility of a constellational examination of the closeness of the understanding of the idea of immortality and its meaning within the framework of a whole metaphysical system in the context of the philosopher's understanding of time and space in I. Kant and J. E. McTaggart is indicated. The importance of the manifested interpretation of the constellational consideration of the idea of immortality for understanding the content of modern transformations of Enlightenment ideas and responding to the challenges of the latest formats of rebellion against reason is outlined.

Author Biography


PhD of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, Social and Political Sciences, Educational and Scientific Institute of International Relations, History and Philosophy, Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy, 81, Shevchenko bulv., Cherkasy, 18000


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How to Cite

KRETOV, P. (2024). The concept of immortality and the transformation of the idea of enlightenment: I. Kant and J. M. E. McTaggart. Filosofska Dumka, (2), 78–90. Retrieved from






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